Like the Honey on Bees

2 min readNov 26, 2023


it’s in the eternity of an endless moment that time doesn’t start to count.

I learned that when I met you. I thought there was a limit to how many people you could harbor in the inner corners of your heart. turns out that’s a lie. a big ugly one. maybe it was created to limit people from having the freedom to think however they want. a lot of this world is designed to limit us, I’ve learned that many times. you’re the reason. the only one as a matter of fact.

maybe there’s not much more the both of us know other than the I love yous we share slip off the tongue like honey — the natural honeycomb — purified kind. the ones bees mine for, and are restless to make. we’re a bee’s paradise. I’m a little bit dumbfounded every time we kiss too. I haven’t even had time to write because I’m too busy trying to take up every moment I’ve thought to write about before with you instead. for once, I’ve put my pen down and I’ve looked up. not knowing that once I did that you’d be there as a way out of the world I’ve been living in. doors closed. no windows but the throat that feeds me more words. thank you for opening the windows. and the doors. here it’s not raining as much as it did in there. it’s warm. it’s safe. it’s everything I need. all that I want. and for once I’m not afraid of it ever ending. you’ve given me all I ever want to hope for. your heart in my hands, and me finding new ways to keep it as beautiful as I found it.




a poet, a planet, & lover of God • instagram @taintedsun